Notable Scrabble Z Words and Why You Should Use Them

It takes a lot of dedication and common sense to win at Scrabble, pair it up with learning the strategies as well as Z words, then you will definitely be piling up the Ws in the long run. There are numerous words with the letter Z in Scrabble, contrary to popular belief. Using it is actually pretty easy – just learn a few words and you're all set. This letter tile should actually be sought out, given that it dishes out huge points in a single turn. So, what are some notable words containing this letter and why should you use them?

using z words in scrabble

High-scoring (and insanely so) Z words

Although points are not everything in the game, the player who scores the highest is the one that wins the game. Playing defense and closing the board are possibly the best tactics that can help in setting you up, but remember, why play defense when you can play one word and watch with amusement as your opponent tries desperately to catch up. Here are some good examples of these words:
  • Muzjiks

    – defined as the peasantry in Russia during the time of the tzars, this word dishes out the highest possible score in an opening play, with a total of 128 points counting the bingo.
  • Caziques

    – though it's an eight letter word, you can simply find a letter where you can link it in. This word has Spanish origins – it was used by the Conquistadors to call native American chiefs. Aside from which, it is also used to call a type of bird. Playing this word can potentially give you a whopping, 392 points, as done by Dr. Karl Khoshnaw. 
  • Chutzpah

    – this word has Yiddish origins, mainly defined as extreme self-confidence or impudence. It can give you a base score of 27. That doesn't end there – if you somehow manage to wind this word up on a triple word square, it'll give you a mind-blowing 383 points in a single turn. 
  • Bezique

    – like the word “muzjiks”, it can give you a high scoring opening at 124. This word is used to define a card game which is played much like Pinochle, one of its offshoots. 

“Better to play this than swap” Z words

Although swapping a your letter tiles can be an effective strategy, it is usually a big gamble. Remember, gambles can result to either huge payoffs or humongous losses. Having said that, any self-respecting Scrabble player wouldn't swap the Z, along with the letters Q, X and J. Better to use them and score low points, than opening up the chances of your opponent to use it!
  • Za

    – if you lived in the 80s and liked pizza, then you probably know this word – or maybe not. This is defined as the slang and shortened term for pizza back in the 80s. In Scrabble, it's more than 11 points – it is used to throw the Z away without having your opponent use it. Place it in a bonus tile and you can possibly get more than 30 points. 
  • Zax

    – the slater's main tool and possibly the favorite word of all the Scrabble players worldwide, it is a great way to throw away Z and X, high scoring consonants. Dishing out 19 points, it is the highest scoring three letter word, ever. 

Other good three letter Z words include adz, zed, zip, wiz, biz, fez and zoa. Remember, use the Z wisely – its your best friend if it's on your rack!


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